March 7, 2010:
From 03/Mar/2010 15:46 CET to 07/Mar/2010 14:55 CET
it was impossible to access the ASEM-51 website due to
a configuration error of our web host. Now the problem is solved.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
July 25, 2008:
The largest MCU file update ever is ready for
226 include files (43 new) for ASEM-51 and compatibles!
A complete list with all supported
8051 derivatives is included.
March 3, 2007:
Maciej Sochaczewski has translated the
ASEM-51 User's Manual to Polish.
It is available in PDF format and ready for
download. |
May 30, 2005:
Total relaunch!

Today the ASEM-51 website restarts with
redesigned navigation bars and better W3C conformity.
All new web pages have been tested thoroughly with various
versions of MSIE, Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror and Opera
under Windows and/or Linux. If something is looking ugly
or doesn't work at all with your browser, please send me a
Jan 23, 2005:
Good news for German, Swiss and Austrian 8051 newbies:
With his new book Rainer Leicht
closes many gaps in the ASEM-51 documentation.
große 51er Anwendungsbuch explains in detail
- fundamentals of the MCS-51 architecture
- the full MCS-51 instruction set
- the design of typical 8051 applications
- assembly language programming with ASEM-51
- and much more |
Sep 7, 2004:
MD5 checksums are now provided for all
available downloads. A corresponding link is present on every download page.
Feb 25, 2004:
Carsten Knapwost has made a Debian package
for the ASEM-51 V1.3 final release. Thanks a lot!
Jan 19, 2004:
Worapoht Kornkaewwattanakul
has released a first preview of his
MIDE-51 Studio.
MIDE-51 is a free Windows IDE for MCS-51 software
development in assembler and C. ASEM-51 is directly supported.
Sep 10, 2003:
An updated collection of MCU files is ready for
It contains 31 new MCU files for 8051 derivatives from
Philips, Winbond, Analog Devices, Winedge, and Chipcon.
Jan 1, 2003:
Sep 1, 2002:
asem V1.3b3-2 (patch level 2) for Linux is ready for download.
(See Bugs and Fixes.)
Aug 18, 2002:
The first bug has been found in V1.3b3 - and fixed!

A bug description and fixed assemblers (V1.3b3-1)
for all supported platforms can be found on the
beta-test page.
Jun 25, 2002:
ASEM-51 V1.3 Beta 3 is finished!
It is available as
- a combined DOS/Windows distribution (ZIP)
- a Linux distribution (tar and rpm format) |
Thanks a lot to Andreas Kies, my indefatigable Linux consultant!
For the first time, ASEM-51 enters a public
beta test. Get it, try it, test it, take it to the limit, send bug reports.
When everything has been put straight, the final release 1.3
will be launched in a few months (or something).
I'm looking forward to your flames!
Apr 10, 2002:
The BOOT-51 User's Manual is now also available
in an HTML edition, and can be viewed in the
Documentation area.
Mar 23, 2002:
Since I'm frequently asked for new MCU files, I have put my
collection into the Download area.
It contains more than 60 MCU files, and can be used as an update
for all ASEM-51 versions.
Mar 13, 2002:
The specification of the Intel OMF-51 Object Module
Format has been converted to HTML, and can now
be viewed in the Documentation area.
Jan 18, 2002:
My e-mail address for
ASEM-51 support will probably expire between
January 31 and February 15, 2002.
Please send all mail to my private e-mail address
Thank you!
Oct 21, 2001:
The official home of ASEM-51 has moved to
Users who still visit the old ASEM-51 homepage,
are redirected automatically after 20 seconds.
The new ASEM-51 website starts with a slightly new design.
Thanks a lot to Werner Allinger
for free web-hosting!
Jan 15, 2001:
My old e-mail address died with the Fido-Net.
It seems that it did no longer work since approximately October 4, 2000.
All mail which you may have sent after this date is lost!
If you didn't get a reply, please send it again to my new e-mail address Sorry!
Apr 25, 2000:
Now the last DOS real-mode version 0.64 of the great 8051/8086/C
editor W is posted on the ASEM-51
Download page.
The DOS real-mode version of W is discontinued by
Petar Marinov.
The 32-bit DOS and Windows versions are available from the
W homepage.
A first Linux version is currently under construction and almost finished.
Mar 21, 2000:
Started work on full BOOT-51 download support for Linux!
Mar 4, 2000:
The ASEM-51 V1.3 Release Notes
are available in HTML format on the ASEM-51 homepage.
Mar 2, 2000:
The HTML edition of the
ASEM-51 User's Manual
is finished and posted on the ASEM-51 homepage.
Started work on HTML editions of the other documentation files!
Feb 25, 2000:
The ASCII edition of the ASEM-51 User's Manual
is updated with a description of the Linux implementation.
Feb 17, 2000:
The whole ASEM-51 support homepage has been totally
restructured and redesigned. The pure web pages have got a uniform
layout with a navigation sidebar, which can easily be distinguished
from the new layout of the assembler documentation pages.
(Thanks to Olivia Adler
for her professional advice!)
Jan 22, 2000:
First part of the HTML edition of the
ASEM-51 User's Manual posted.
Not quite complete yet, but
"The ASEM-51 Assembly Language"
chapter is finished.
Jan 10, 2000:
Old ASEM-51 versions made available for download on the
ASEM-51 Dungeon page.
Dec 23, 1999:
Started work on the HTML edition of the
ASEM-51 User's Manual.
Dec 2, 1999:
The first version of the ASEM-51 support homepage is posted at
(Thanks to Werner Allinger for free web-hosting!)
Last revised: W.W. Heinz,
February 17, 2020